Gemedet Software

Agility Title Tracker (USDAA)

Agility Title Tracker (USDAA)

Agility Title Tracker (USDAA) - William Osborne

Agility Title Tracker is an electronic record book for those who compete in agility trials. It is designed to allow you to easily record the outcome of all of your runs directly on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad and track your dog's progress toward various agility titles.


Agility Title Tracker will generate an easy to read report that shows at a glance which titles your dog has earned and what titles you are currently working toward. For titles that are "in progress" the report shows exactly what your dog needs to do to complete them.

Agility Title Tracker (USDAA)

Agility Title Tracker (USDAA)

Less is more

Agility Title Tracker is not designed for recording extensive notes about each run. Instead it is designed with speed in mind and only records the information required to track your dog's progress toward various titles.

The interface is carefully tuned to allow you to enter critical information in seconds so you don't have to worry about spending a lot of time entering data.

Agility Title Tracker records the following information for each run:

  • Date
  • Location
  • Class (Standard, Gamblers, Jumpers, Relay, Snooker)
  • Class Level (Starters/Level I, Advanced/Level II, Masters/Level III, Masters Challenge)
  • Q or NQ
  • Also supports tournaments for the Championship and Performance program
  • Tracks Veteran titles as well.

Agility Title Tracker currently supports all USDAA titles currently available that can be earned from the Championship, Performance, and Veteran programs.


iCloud is fully supported, allowing you to enter information on one device and have your data automatically copied to any other device using the same Apple ID.

Agility Title Tracker is fully compatible with all iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices running iOS 5.1 or later and fully supports the 4" display on newer iPhones and iPods.

Title progress reports can be shared with anyone via email or posted to Facebook or Twitter. You can even share the reports with people who don't have the app! Note: Some sharing features require iOS 6 or later.


Also included is a handy reference detailing the current requirements for each agility title. Note: Title requirements are provided for informational purposes only and are subject to change. For official title information contact the United States Dog Agility Association.

Feedback Welcome

Your feedback is important! If you have an idea that you think may help improve Agility Title Tracker or make it more useful to you, email us at

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My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can't decide whether to ruin our carpets or ruin our lives.
 - Rita Rudner
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