Showdogs-L Breeder Database

Showdogs-L Breeder Referral Database

Listing Requirements and Policies

This website is public and anyone can access the database. By submitting your information to the database, you acknowledge this fact and agree to not hold either the webmaster of this site nor the Showdogs-L list administrators responsible for anything that occurs as a result of having your information listed in the database and publicly displayed on the pages of this site.

You must be an active member of the Showdogs-L email list to have your name listed in the database. Entries from non-SDL members will be rejected.

The webmaster of this site and the Showdogs-L list administrators reserve the right to reject or remove any entry at any time without notice.


If you meet and agree to all the requirements of the policies outlined above, you may fill out this form to have your information reviewed and added to the database.

Fields marked in blue are required. All other fields are optional.

You may use the additional information box to add any extra information that you want included in your database listing.

Please allow at least 48 hours for your entries to appear in the database. To inquire about the status for your entry e-mail me at

If you have any questions, or do not wish to use this form, feel free to e-mail me at


Kennel Name:
Primary Breed:
Additional Breeds:
E-mail address:

Additional Information:

What is 2+2?

They [dogs] never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation.
 - Jerome K. Jerome
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